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Do you want to change your life? Join me on my 50-Day Life Transformation Challenge. Get involved! It won't cost you anything except a few bad habits.

Day 47: The Importance of Written Goals

Between you and your future you is just work

If you want to change, you need to know where you want to go. You need a very concrete idea of what should be. Merely wishing for change leads to aimless wandering. Aimlessness leads to dissatisfaction, which then reinforces the desire for change.

A process of change can only begin once you have a very concrete vision of your goal.

Here is a simple method: Imagine your life in the future and write it down.

Consider multiple time periods and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What will happen in one year?
  • What will happen in 12 weeks?

Choose a time period you want to focus on. First, consider the year and think about what and how you want to be in one year. Open a Word or Google Docs document and write down a few points for each area of your life.

Important: Write from the first-person perspective and as if the goal has already been achieved.

Here are a few examples:

  • I regularly exercise and switch between jogging and the gym every two days.
  • I have deepened connections with my friends and call at least one of them every weekend for a minimum of one hour.
  • I have taken a trip to [DESIREDESTINATION].
  • I meditate for 15 minutes every morning after waking up.

Store this document in a readily accessible location (for example, directly on your desktop or as a bookmarked document in your Google Drive folder). Check your goals as regularly as possible.

Check your goals as regularly as possible

Take a few minutes several times a week to review your written goals. Open your document and read what you have written. Add new points that come to mind or adjust your goals as necessary.

Engaging with your goals provides clarity in your decisions. Dedicate every day to achieving your goals. Make decisions that bring you closer to your goals. Every day, a small step forward.


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