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Do you want to change your life? Join me on my 50-Day Life Transformation Challenge. Get involved! It won't cost you anything except a few bad habits.

Day 2: Back to Focus

Cold plunge to maintain focus and concentration

This morning, I plunged right into the pool - a cold plunge, as it's called. Getting up early, preferably while it's still dark, and then into the cold water. It's amazing how it yanks you out of your current state. You go from 0 to 100 immediately.

So, what's the goal for Day 2? To maintain focus. Gain clarity and stay on course. Execute the things you've set out to do. Building on Day 1, this means crafting a clear and achievable yet ambitious plan.

Today is about reaffirming the successes of Day 1. Developing a small routine (cold plunging was successful).

How I maintain my focus:

  1. Improve task planning and follow through
    1. Set ambitious daily goals
  2. Establish routines
    1. Cold plunges
    2. Daily reading
    3. Daily writing
    4. Communication and social interaction
    5. Exercise

Evening Reflection: How Did It Go?

The day was hectic. Appointments and various tasks constantly distracted me from the actual things that needed to be done, significantly reducing my productivity, which didn't feel good.

Actions for improvement:

  1. Better organize tasks by batching them based on their respective subject areas. Instead of tackling tasks from different fields on the same day, it's better to focus solely on tasks from one subject area and address a new field the next day.

Overall, it's worth noting that I did manage to complete all the tasks I had set out to do, and I feel good about that.

Specific areas for improvement:

  1. Improved planning of tasks according to subject areas.
  2. Careful breakdown of tasks into thinking and execution phases.

By the way, I now have a LinkedIn profile, and you're welcome to follow me there.


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