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Do you want to change your life? Join me on my 50-Day Life Transformation Challenge. Get involved! It won't cost you anything except a few bad habits.

Day 9: Always Give Your Best

A Marathon Runner always Gives his best

Focus on your project, your goal, and work steadily towards it. Concentrate fully on the moment and perform what you do with complete dedication, as if it were the only thing you will do. Give it your best! Anytime!

Giving your best doesn't mean doing more. It's about investing the time you currently have as effectively as possible. Give the task your complete attention. Don't get distracted.

The thing is simple: You will always succeed when you do what you do with total dedication. It's not about becoming the best of the best; it's about giving your absolute best in the one specific thing you are doing right now. Don't settle for mediocrity.

So, once again: Giving it your best doesn't mean doing more. Don't fill your day with even more tasks. Giving it your best means giving each task your complete dedication.

You might even consider dedicating yourself to fewer tasks so that you can give more space and time to each remaining task. Ask yourself: "Did I give it my best?"


  • Ask yourself multiple times a day: Is what I'm doing right now really the most effective use of my time in this moment?
  • Ask yourself: Am I really giving it my best?
  • Reduce the tasks in your day to give individual tasks more space and to do them even better.


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