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Do you want to change your life? Join me on my 50-Day Life Transformation Challenge. Get involved! It won't cost you anything except a few bad habits.


If you want to change, you need to know where you want to go. You need a very concrete idea of what should be. Merely wishing for change leads to aimless wandering. Aimlessness leads to dissatisfaction, which then reinforces the desire for change.

A process of change can only begin once you have a very concrete vision of your goal.

Here is a simple method: Imagine your life in the future and write it down.

Consider multiple time periods and ask yourself the following questions:

Running shares many parallels with life. The experiences I've had while running often translate to both my personal and professional daily life.

Don't Outrun Your Pace

If you start out faster than your usual pace, you’ll quickly reach a point where overexertion forces you to stop. Good pace management is therefore essential. Find your own limit to be fast, but not so fast that you overexert yourself.

There's one thing that has catapulted my productivity to an entirely new level: radical planning. I have developed my own way of dealing with tasks and planning my day, and here's how I do it:

My approach, which I call "radical planning," is based on 2 important pillars:

  • Task capture
  • Planning

The first step, task capture, is the most important and simultaneously the most challenging. There is a crucial rule that must be meticulously followed:

Today, I traveled to Paris, and as always, outings with children require careful planning. Not only because it can be inherently chaotic, but also because you're leaving your familiar work environment, and daily life is completely different. A new environment can often impact productivity, but there are effective strategies to counter this: detailed planning.

It's crucial to create clear task lists and formulate them as precisely as possible, for example:

On the 17th day of my 50-Day Life Transformation Challenge, I'm dedicating myself to the topic of "Focused Work," also known as "Deep Work" – immersing oneself in work without distractions.

Some time ago, I wrote about the concept of pseudo work. Pseudo work is work that appears to keep us busy but doesn't actually create value. It tricks us into thinking we're highly productive when, in reality, we're not making real progress.

These are my life rules that help me live more efficiently and productively and complete my projects with ease. These rules are the most significant insights from my 50-Day Life Transformation Challenge. I continuously work on these rules, which means that I regularly read, revise, supplement, or modify them.

To maintain focus on one's own goals requires clarity, both in the mind and regarding upcoming tasks. Both aspects, however, go hand in hand.

Certainly, everyone is familiar with the feeling of brain fog, which is a clouding of the mind. We feel as though we are wrapped in cotton, confused, and concentrating on anything becomes challenging. We feel mentally sluggish. Clarity is completely absent. The mind appears like a sky veiled in clouds.

Last night, I noted two things I want to improve:

  1. Dividing tasks into thinking and execution phases.
  2. Grouping tasks thematically.

Regarding the latter, it's about not mixing too many tasks from different subject areas. In simple terms, not working on two projects simultaneously and constantly switching between them.

This morning, I plunged right into the pool - a cold plunge, as it's called. Getting up early, preferably while it's still dark, and then into the cold water. It's amazing how it yanks you out of your current state. You go from 0 to 100 immediately.

So, what's the goal for Day 2? To maintain focus. Gain clarity and stay on course. Execute the things you've set out to do. Building on Day 1, this means crafting a clear and achievable yet ambitious plan.

Today is about reaffirming the successes of Day 1. Developing a small routine (cold plunging was successful).

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